Tuesday, November 4, 2014

4th Grade Physical Fitness Testing Begins This Week

     Starting in November the 4th grade students will begin their physical fitness testing.  All fourth grade students in Connecticut are tested in the following areas:  muscular strength (push-ups), muscular endurance (sit-ups), cardiovascular endurance (PACER run), and flexibility (sit and reach test).
     The students have been practicing and preparing themselves for the test each week of class.  Our class warm-up consists of jumping jacks, high-knees, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and planks.  These are all designed to get the students prepared for their test.

     We encourage the students to practice these at home!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

     The Springdale students have been hard at work this week getting ready for the Springdale Sprint!  There are a lot of great runners in this school!

     Grades 3-5 have the options of walking lanes, jogging lanes, and a distance lane.  In the distance lane the students will be paced by Mr. Gruetzner or Ms. Janda.  They will run at least 2 miles, but maybe more.  12 laps around the track is equal to 1 mile.  We had some 5th graders this week who ran 3 miles during their gym class!

     The lower grades will show off their fitness through various locomotor skills (running, walking, skipping, sliding, galloping).

    It's going to be a great day.  The kids are very excited to run and race. 

     All parents are invited to participate with their children.  It will be very special for them to have you exercise with them.

     Please remember that all students should wear appropriate footwear for running.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Springdale Sprint Is Here!!

Put on your sneakers, tie those laces tight, and get ready to run!! The Springdale Sprint will be held on Friday, October 10th! For the next 3 weeks students will be participating in various running activities.  The older students will be learning about different speeds, pacing, and how to run more efficiently.  The younger students will be learning about different locomotor movements, personal space and body control.  Let the fun begin!!


Monday, September 8, 2014

Springdale Spartans!

This past weekend Mr. Gruetzner, Miss Dunne and Miss Janda participated in a Spartan race in NJ.  It consisted of 8.2 miles of obstacles up and down a ski mountain.  There were 10 foot walls to climb, barbed wire to crawl under, mud to slosh through, buckets of rocks and logs to carry, ropes to climb, fire to jump over and much much more.  It was a fun experience and a great accomplishment!  Go Springdale Spartans!!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Welcome Back!

We hope everyone had a fun, safe and active summer! This school year we have lots of fun activities planned to keep students moving and having fun.  Thanks for visiting the Springdale PE blog and we look forward to sharing the wonderful things happening at Springdale.